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Quick Facts
2.Return to Chromie

Return to Chromie

Take the Bundle of Relics to Chromie in Andorhal.
Bundle of Relics (Provided)

Relevant Locations

These NPCs or objects can be found in Eastern Plaguelands, Western Plaguelands.


You have gathered many relics of the battle of Darrowshire. Each time you returned with more, my heart yearned for my village... yearned to protect it from its fate.

I know that cannot be, but Chromie, that strange gnome in Andorhal, tells me it is possible. She says you can save Darrowshire!

She asked me to gather together the relics, and to have you bring them to her. She said that she awaits you in the ruined inn of Andorhal.


I have been in contact with your friend Carlin. He feels great pain for the doom of his village, but he speaks very highly of you and knows that you can set things right.

Oh, but I'm drifting from the subject at hand... <name>, do you have the relics I asked for?


Ah yes, there they are. Together they weave a powerful spell, one that will raise the spirits of Darrowshire.

With that spell, and with a little luck, we can save Joseph Redpath!


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 4750 experience (at level 50) (0 28 80 at max. level)

