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One Draenei's Junk...

Bring Kum'isha Imperfect Draenethyst Fragments. Any form of monster in the Blasted Lands could be carrying a fragment.
Imperfect Draenethyst Fragment

Relevant Locations

This NPC or object can be found in Blasted Lands.


Well, after that display of voracious greed, I feel nauseous.

Regardless, I shall not dwell too long on your material addiction.

For each imperfect draenethyst fragment you turn in, I shall reward you with more junk. My junk heap gets smaller while your junk heap gets larger. On Draenor we call this a 'win-win' situation.


You will receive:
Kum'isha's Junk


Well? Draenethyst? Remember?

<Kum'isha clenches his fist and knocks on your head.>

Is anybody home?


You truly disgust me, <race>. A grown woman drooling over a pile of junk? Pitiful! Take your reward and get out of my sight.

Sounds familiar? It should, because I say it a thousand times per day.

Oh how I loathe this world.

