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The Conquest Pit: Mad Furbolg Fighting

Defeat Torgg Thundertotem inside the Conquest Pit and speak to Bookie Vel'jen for a reward.
Torgg Thundertotem defeated
Suggested Players [3]

Relevant Locations

This NPC or object can be found in Grizzly Hills.


You're not bad. Not bad at all.

Think you can take a furbolg? What about one of those extra-large crazed Northrend furbolgs?

Good, good. Get your crew together, and head to the ring. Let's give these folks a show... maybe we can earn some more coin while we're at it.


Also, you get: 16 80 0


Those were some sharp moves, friend! Lots of bets against you, which is good news cash-wise!


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 25950 experience (at level 73) (12 45 0 at max. level)

