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The Iron Thane and His Anvil

Using the abilities of your War Golem, defeat Iron Thane Furyhammer, then return to Raegar Breakbrow at Prospector's Point.
Golem Control Unit (Provided)

Relevant Locations

This NPC or object can be found in Grizzly Hills.


Now that you've charged up your war golem, we're going to put all that energy to good use. Activate the golem inside Dun Argol to take control of it.

Our information about Dun Argol's leader, Iron Thane Furyhammer, suggests his bodyguard protects him from all harm.

That bodyguard is the construct he travels with, called The Anvil. Disable the construct, and his protection will disappear.

The thane stays in the building at the top of Dun Argol and supervises production from the bottom level.


You can choose one of these awards:
Grounded Gloves Crackpot Spaulders Short-Circuiting Boots Golem-Rider's Greaves
Also, you get: 11 80 0


Were you able to get past the iron thane's defenses?


It worked?

<Raegar clears his throat.>

I mean... of course it worked! This is incredible!

Years from now, Explorers' League initiates will hear the story of how Raegar Breakbrow, <name>, and some hunk o' junk golem defeated the thane of Dun Argol!


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 26200 experience (at level 73) (15 72 0 at max. level)

