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Quick Facts
Open Quests

Rumors for Kravel

Bring the Goblin Rumors to Kravel Koalbeard on the Shimmering Flats in Thousand Needles.
Goblin Rumors (Provided)

Relevant Locations

These NPCs or objects can be found in Stranglethorn Vale, Thousand Needles.


I had to use some of my favors, and gave away a rare bottle of elven wine, and did some heavy deducing myself! But I found the information you seek.

Here, I wrote a letter with some very interesting bits on our friend, Nazz Steamboil. Do with it what you will -- it's too dangerous for me to use.

Just don't tell anyone where you got it!


Also, you get: 0 75 0


Did you get anything on Nazz Steamboil? Anything he might want to keep a secret??


Well well! This is interesting... very interesting. Heh, perhaps I should bow to the goblin pilot the next time I see him.

This is worth plenty, <name>. I'm sure Nazz will pay a small fortune to keep his secret... a secret.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 4350 experience (at level 30) (0 26 40 at max. level)

