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Quick Facts
Open Quests

Scarlet Subterfuge

Speak to Myranda to gain the Scarlet Illusion. Travel to Hearthglen while under the Scarlet Illusion and deliver Tirion's Gift to Highlord Taelan Fordring.

Hearthglen is to the north, Taelan should be inside of Mardenholde Keep.
Tirion's Gift (Provided)

Relevant Locations

This NPC or object can be found in Western Plaguelands.


I am what you would call, an illusionist. Though I may be able to create an illusion to allow you entry into Hearthglen, be warned; my powers have their limitations.

Should you travel too far from these lands, the effects of the illusion will cease. The spell itself takes a great amount of concentration and power from me, and thus, I can only sustain the effect for a short time.

Speak to me again when you are ready.


Are you the reinforcements from Tyr's Hand?


What is this, soldier?

<Taelan opens the box and begins to examine its contents.>

This... this cannot be true. But all that you have shown me...

<Taelan falls to one knee, his heartbeat quickens. The fury of ages is about to be loosed upon this town.>


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 9550 experience (at level 52) (0 57 0 at max. level)

